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Air Law - Australia

Aeronautical Information Publication Book

  • Complete [pdf]
  • Complete (decrypted) [pdf]
  • Aerodrome [pdf]
  • Aerodrome (decrypted) [pdf]
  • Amendment Instructions [pdf]
  • Amendment Instructions (decrypted) [pdf]
  • Enroute [pdf]
  • Enroute (decrypted) [pdf]
  • General [pdf]
  • General (decrypted) [pdf]

Aeronautical Information Publication En Route Supplement Australia

  • Complete [pdf]
  • Complete (decrypted) [pdf]
  • d. FACILITIES [pdf]
  • e. SUA [pdf]
  • g. IFR WAYPOINTS [pdf]
  • h. VFR WAYPOINTS [pdf]
  • k. GEN - FIS - INFLIGHT [pdf]
  • t. INDEX [pdf]

CLWA Exam Extract

  • Civil Aviation Order [pdf]

Civil Aviation Order

  • Complete [pdf]
  • 20.2 Air service operations - safety precautions before flight [pdf]
  • 20.3 Air service operations - marshalling and parking of aircraft [pdf]
  • 20.4 Provision and use of oxygen and protective breathing equipment [pdf]
  • 20.6 Continuation of flight with 1 or more engines inoperative [pdf]
  • 20.7.1 Aeroplane weight limitations - Aeroplanes above 5 700 kg - all operations (piston-engined) [pdf]
  • 20.7.1B Aeroplane weight and performance limitations - specified aeroplanes above 5 700 kg or 2 722 kg if driven by 2 or more jet engines - all operations as amended [pdf]
  • 20.7.2 Aeroplane weight and performance limitations - aeroplanes not above 5 700 kg - regular public transport operations [pdf]
  • 20.9 Air service operations - precautions in refuelling engine and ground radar operations [pdf]
  • 20.10 Hot Refuelling - helicopters [pdf]
  • 20.10.1 Hot Refuelling - turbine engine aeroplane engaged in aerial work or private operations [pdf]
  • 20.11 Emergency and life saving equipment and passenger control in emergencies [pdf]
  • 20.13 Air service operations - cockpit check systems [pdf]
  • 20.16.1 Air service operations - loading - general as amended [pdf]
  • 20.16.2 Air service operations - loading - general [pdf]
  • 20.16.3 Air service operations - carriage of persons [pdf]
  • 20.17 Air service Operations - use of military aerodromes by civil aircraft [pdf]
  • 20.18 Aircraft equipment - basic operational requirements [pdf]
  • 20.21 [pdf]
  • 20.22 Taxiing of aircraft by persons other than licensed pilots [pdf]
  • 20.91 Instructions and directions for performance-based navigation [pdf]
  • 29.2 Air service operations - night flying training [pdf]
  • 29.3 Air service operations - aeroplanes engaged in agricultural operation - night aerial spraying [pdf]
  • 29.4 Air Displays [pdf]
  • 29.5 Air service operations - miscellaneous dropping of articles from aircraft in flight [pdf]
  • 29.6 Air service operations - helicopter external sling load operations [pdf]
  • 29.8 Ferry flight of aeroplanes with 1 engine inoperative [pdf]
  • 29.10 Air service operations - aircraft engaged in aerial stock mustering operations - low flying permission [pdf]
  • 29.11 Air service operations - helicopter winching and rappelling operations [pdf]
  • 40.2.2 Balloon grade of night V.F.R. rating [pdf]
  • 40.7 Aircraft endorsements (balloons) and flight instructor (balloons) ratings as amended [pdf]
  • 45.0 Flight crew standards - synthetic trainers - general [pdf]
  • 48.1 [pdf]
  • 82.0 [pdf]
  • 82.1 Conditions on Air Operators' Certificates authorising charter operations and aerial work operations [pdf]
  • 82.7 Air Operators' Certificates authorising aerial work operations and charter operations in balloons [pdf]
  • 95.4.1 Exemption from provisions of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 - gliders engaged in charter operations [pdf]
  • 95.7 Exemption from provisions of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 - helicopters [pdf]
  • 95.7.2 Exemption of certain helicopters engaged in rappelling sling load or winching operations from compliance with certain flight manual limitations [pdf]
  • 95.7.3 Exemption of certain helicopters engaged in transfer-ring marine pilots from compliance with subregulation 174B (2) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 [pdf]
  • 95.9 Exemption of Australian aeroplanes from compliance with certain provisions of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 - demonstration flights outside Australia [pdf]
  • 95.14 Exemption from provisions of the regulations under the Civil Aviation Act 1988 - parasails and gyrogliders [pdf]
  • 95.19 Exemption from provisions of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 - F/A 18 aircraft [pdf]
  • 95.20 Exemption from provisions of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 - operation of military (state) aircraft by civilian flight crew [pdf]
  • 95.22 Exemption from provisions of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 - float planes operating in prescribed access lanes [pdf]
  • 95.23 Exemption from subregulations 178(1) and (2) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 - for offshore and coastal surveillance and search and rescue [pdf]
  • 95.26 Exemption from subregulations 178(1) and (2) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 - for trial operations of supply dropping of search and rescue (SAR) stores at night [pdf]
  • 95.27 Exemption from provisions of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 - S-70A-9 helicopter [pdf]
  • 95.28 Exemption from provisions of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 - S-70B-2 helicopter [pdf]
  • 95.29 Exemption from provisions of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 - Pilatus PC9 aircraft [pdf]
  • 95.30 Exemption from provisions of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 and the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 - British Aerospace MK 127 aircraft [pdf]
  • 95.31 Exemption from provisions of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 and the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 - Kaman Super Seasprite SH-2G(A) aircraft [pdf]
  • 95.34 NHIndustries NH90 Tactical Transport Helicopter [pdf]
  • 95.55 Exemptions from CAR and CASR - Certain Light Sport Aircraft Lightweight Aeroplanes and Ultralight Aeroplanes) Instrument 2021 [pdf]
  • 95.56 Exemption from provisions of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 - light sport aircraft [pdf]
  • 95.57 EADS CASA Airbus A330 multi-role transport tanker [pdf]

Civil Aviation Regulations 1988

  • Complete [pdf]
  • Volume 1 [pdf]
  • Volume 2 [pdf]

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

  • Complete [pdf]
  • Part 61 Flight crew licensing [pdf]
  • Part 61 Flight crew licensing Subpart 61.O NVFR Ratings [pdf]
  • Part 67 Medical [pdf]
  • Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules [pdf]
  • Part 99 Drug and alcohol management plans and testing [pdf]
  • Part 101 Unmanned aircraft and rockets [pdf]
  • Part 103 Sport and recreation aircraft [pdf]
  • Part 121 Australian air transport operations-larger aeroplanes [pdf]
  • Part 135 Australian air transport operations-smaller aeroplanes [pdf]
  • Part 137 Aerial application operations-other than rotorcraft [pdf]
  • Part 138 Aerial work operations [pdf]
  • Part 141 Recreational private and commercial pilot flight training other than certain integrated training courses [pdf]
  • Part 142 Integrated and multi-crew pilot flight training contracted training and contracted checking [pdf]
  • Volume 1 [pdf]
  • Volume 2 [pdf]
  • Volume 3 [pdf]
  • Volume 4 [pdf]
  • Volume 5 [pdf]

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 Part 101 Manual of Standards

  • Unmanned Aircraft and Rockets Manual of Standards 2019 (as amended) [pdf]
  • a. CHAPTER 1 Preliminary [pdf]
  • b. CHAPTER 2 RePL Training Course [pdf]
  • c. CHAPTER 4 Operations in Controlled Airspace - Controlled Aerodromes [pdf]
  • d. CHAPTER 5 RPA Operations Beyond VLOS [pdf]
  • e. CHAPTER 9 Operations of RPA in Prescribed Areas [pdf]
  • f. CHAPTER 10 Record Keeping for Certain RPA [pdf]
  • g. CHAPTER 10A Significant Changes [pdf]
  • h. CHAPTER 11 Test Flights [pdf]
  • i. CHAPTER 12 Identification of RPA and Model Aircraft [pdf]
  • j. CHAPTER 13 Operation of Foreign Registered RPA and Model Aircraft [pdf]
  • k. CHAPTER 14 Permissible Modifications to Registered RPA and Model Aircraft [pdf]
  • l. CHAPTER 15 Conduct of Online Training and Examinations for Accreditation [pdf]
  • m. Schedule 1 Acronyms and abbreviations [pdf]
  • n. Schedule 2 Directory for aeronautical knowledge standards for a RePL training course [pdf]
  • o. Schedule 3 Directory for practical competency standards for a RePL training course [pdf]
  • p. Schedule 4 Aeronautical knowledge units [pdf]
  • q. Schedule 5 Practical competency units [pdf]
  • r. Schedule 6 Flight Test Standards [pdf]
  • s. Note to Part 101 (Unmanned Aircraft and Rockets) Manual of Standards 2019 [pdf]

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 Part 61 Manual of Standards

  • Complete [pdf]
  • Volume 1 [pdf]
  • Volume 1 Directory of units of competency and units of knowledge [pdf]
  • Volume 1 Part 61 Manual of Standards Instrument 2014 [pdf]
  • Volume 1 Schedule 1A [pdf]
  • Volume 2 [pdf]
  • Volume 2 Section 1 English Language Proficiency [pdf]
  • Volume 2 Section 2 Common Standards [pdf]
  • Volume 2 Section 3 Navigation and Instrument Flying Standards [pdf]
  • Volume 2 Section 4 Aircraft Rating Standards [pdf]
  • Volume 2 Section 5 Operational Rating and Endorsement Standards [pdf]
  • Volume 2 Section 6 Flight Activity Endorsement Standards [pdf]
  • Volume 3 [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 1 Flight crew licences and aircraft category ratings [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 1 Section 1.1 Basic aeronautical knowledge (BAK) [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 1 Section 1.2 General aeronautical knowledge (AK) [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 1 Section 1.3 Aerodynamics (AD) [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 1 Section 1.4 ATPL Aircraft General Knowledge (AG) [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 1 Section 1.5 Flight Rules and Air Law (FR) [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 1 Section 1.6 Human Factors Principles (HF) [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 1 Section 1.7 Navigation (NV) [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 1 Section 1.8 Meteorology (MT) [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 1 Section 1.9 Operations Performance and Planning (OP) [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 1 Section 1.10 Flight Planning (FP) [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 1 Section 1.11 ATPL Performance and Loading (PL) [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 2 Operational Ratings [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 2 Section 2.1 Instrument Rating [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 2 Section 2.2 Private IFR Rating [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 2 Section 2.3 Aerial Application Rating and Endorsements [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 2 Section 2.4 Instructor Ratings [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 2 Section 2.5 Low-Level Rating [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 2 Section 2.6 Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS) Rating [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 2 Section 2.7 Night VFR Rating [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 2 Section 2.8 Examiner Ratings [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 3 Aircraft Ratings and Endorsements [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 3 Section 3.1 Class Ratings [pdf]
  • Volume 3 Appendix 3 Section 3.2 Type Ratings [pdf]
  • Volume 4 [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Note to Part 61 Manual of Standards (MOS) [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section G Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL) [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section H Private Pilot Licence (PPL) [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section I Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section J Multi-Crew Pilot Licence (MPL) [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section K Air Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL) [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section L Aircraft Ratings [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section M Instrument Rating [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section N Private Instrument Rating [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section O Night VFR Rating [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section P Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) Rating [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section Q Low-Level Rating [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section R Aerial Application Rating [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section T Pilot Instructor Ratings [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section U Flight Examiner Rating [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section V Flight Engineer Licence [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section W Flight Engineer Type Rating [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section X Flight Engineer Instructor Rating [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 5 Section Y Flight Engineer Examiner Rating [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 6 Proficiency Check Standards [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 7 Flight Review Standards [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 8 Section 1 Flight Tolerances [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 8 Section 2 English Language Proficiency Rating Scales [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Schedule 9 CPL(H) training for paragraph 61.615 (1B) (b) (non-integrated training courses) [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Section 1 Flight Crew Licence and Associated Category Ratings [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Section 2 Operational Ratings [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Section 3 Foreign Licence Conversion [pdf]
  • Volume 4 Section 4 Australian Defence Force (ADF) Conversion [pdf]

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 Part 91 Manual of Standards

  • Complete [pdf]
  • Contents [pdf]
  • Chapter 01 Preliminary [pdf]
  • Chapter 02 Prescriptions for Certain Definitions in the CASR Dictionary [pdf]
  • Chapter 03 NVIS Flights [pdf]
  • Chapter 04 All Flights - Airspeed Limits [pdf]
  • Chapter 05 Journey Logs - Flights That Begin or End Outside Australian Territory [pdf]
  • Chapter 06 Flying in Formation [pdf]
  • Chapter 07 Flight Preparation (Weather Assessments) Requirements [pdf]
  • Chapter 08 Flight Preparation (Alternate Aerodrome) Requirements [pdf]
  • Chapter 09 Flight Notifications [pdf]
  • Chapter 10 Matters to be Checked Before Take-off [pdf]
  • Chapter 11 Air Traffic Services - Prescribed Requirements [pdf]
  • Chapter 12 Minimum Height Rules [pdf]
  • Chapter 13 VFR Flights [pdf]
  • Chapter 14 IFR Flights [pdf]
  • Chapter 15 IFR Take-off and Landing Minima [pdf]
  • Chapter 16 Approach Ban for IFR Flights [pdf]
  • Chapter 17 Designated Non-controlled Aerodromes [pdf]
  • Chapter 18 Safety When Aeroplane Operating on the Ground [pdf]
  • Chapter 19 Fuel Requirements [pdf]
  • Chapter 20 Safety of Persons and Cargo on Aircraft [pdf]
  • Chapter 21 Radio Frequency Broadcast and Reporting Requirements [pdf]
  • Chapter 22 Performance-based Navigation (PBN) [pdf]
  • Chapter 23 Interception of Aircraft [pdf]
  • Chapter 24 Take-off Performance [pdf]
  • Chapter 25 Landing Performance [pdf]
  • Chapter 26 Equipment [pdf]
  • Chapter 27 Experimental and Light Sport Aircraft Placards [pdf]
  • Chapter 28 Requirements for Minimum Equipment Lists [pdf]

PIRC Exam Extract

  • Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 Part 61 [pdf]

Part 141 operators-instructors

  • Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 Part 141 Subpart 141.E [pdf]

RPL Exam Extract

  • CASR 1998 [Part 61 extract|Part 67 extract|Part 91 extract|Part 91 MOS extract] [pdf]